
all you have to do is learn my love language

speak in bash to me

I open

doors you didn’t know existed

I want and can provide you


printing working directories,

to always remind you of home

comes easy to me.

and if you’re ever uncomfortable

or unsure of where you are

I’ll change and list new places to go

where your most sacred of memories

and secrets rest.

this is in the tradition of care

of privacy.

allow me to sort through

swiftly and




all the magic you create

and if you are ever dissatisfied

removing is always an option.

but be careful

because I hold grudges and

don’t take things done to me


so know my commands

know them well

and in return

a new line

with a new adventure,

will appear.


all you have to do is learn my love language

speak in bash to me

I open

doors you didn’t know existed

I want and can provide you


printing working directories,

to always remind you of home

comes easy to me.

and if you’re ever uncomfortable

or unsure of where you are

I’ll change and list new places to go

where your most sacred of memories

and secrets rest.

this is in the tradition of care

of privacy.

allow me to sort through

swiftly and




all the magic you create

and if you are ever dissatisfied

removing is always an option.

but be careful

because I hold grudges and

don’t take things done to me


so know my commands

know them well

and in return

a new line

with a new adventure,

will appear.

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